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​​​Spiritual Life Coaching, Customized Wellness Program Consultations for Vibrant Health, along with Ayurveda, Plant Medicine, Homeopathy, Yoga Vinyasa, Yoga Therapy, Energy Healings & Photography.

Medical Intuition with Energy Healing - with Angel 

60 minutes- $100

Energy Healing Therapy Session-- with Angel  (offered in person, or at a distance, distance healing). 60 minute -$60 

Chakra Balancing Meditation– with Angel. Chakra Balancing raises the vibrational level of the light body and brings the energy system back into alignment to create a feeling of harmony and bliss while also receiving Energy Healing. 30 minutes (included with above Energy Healing Therapy Session)

​​Energy Healer Teacher Training Certification offered InPerson or Virtual Zoom Livestream   – with Angel:    

All Reiki Trainings are offered on the weekend after the conclusion of the Yoga Teacher Trainings.

Reiki 1, 2 & 3 & Reiki Master Teacher Healer Certification – with Angel. Become a Reiki Healer Practitioner and offer Energy Healings to others. Or Become a Reiki Master Teacher and learn to certify others in Reiki.
Reiki training classes offered out of your home/venue, or my home (in person).
Call 941-840-8208 to get information about pricing and times of teacher training.

Reiki is an ancient and sacred Japanese healing art that creates a deeply meditative healing experience for body, mind, and spirit. One receives Reiki fully clothed through a series of gentle, yet powerful hand placements. Reiki helps reduce stress, relieve pain, balance emotions, and facilitate personal healing.  Tension, stress, and pain melt away under the warm and nurturing touch of the therapist. Chakra and major energy systems of the body receive concentrated life force energy enhancing the body's inherent power to heal. Mind and spirit reconnect, and a state of harmony is established. Recommended for any state of health from headaches to heartaches.

You can Subscribe and Follow Angel Wild at ​YouTube Channel: