Spiritual Life Coaching, Customized Wellness Program Consultations for Vibrant Health, along with Ayurveda, Plant Medicine, Homeopathy, Yoga Vinyasa, Yoga Therapy, Energy Healings & Photography.
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Questions about appointment text +1-941-840-8208 /Email: angelwild108@gmail.com
Angel Wild
Spiritual Life Coach, Integrative Medicine Diagnostic Practitioner
Angel has a Masters in Clinical Nutrition, and also
4 years post-doctorate medical schooling. (Trained in primary care physician, and in Natural Medicine, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Herbal Plant Medicine, & Supplements).
If you’ve been suffering from weight gain, hair loss, bloating or brain fog, you may have an underlying health condition. Improved health is just a call, text, or email away!
Customized Holistic Health & Wellness Consultations -a monthly wellness program subscription - with Angel.
1) Herbal Teas/tinctures and Herbal Supplements - with Angel. This customized consultation will help you determine what personal blends are best for you
2) Angel offers supplement therapy for example in: Neuro-Endocrine-Hormone Supplement Therapy, Vitamin-Mineral-Enzyme-Supplement Therapy, Fertility medicines, and clinically proven medicines to help one to naturally loose weight quicker, or to gain weight.....reach homeostasis-balance. Plus medicines for all other pathologies-or common ailments).
3) Clinical nutritional assessment & consultations, positive health psychology, & urine/blood lab analysis
4) Applied Kinesiology Technique - with Angel. A gentle process.
Nutritional Counseling Services Offered:
. Customized Clinical Nutritional Counseling
. Nutritional Supplementation
. Custom-blended herbal tinctures
. Natural Medicine
. Personalized for all health Issues
. For Adults, Children, and Seniors
. Accurate and non-invasive allergy testing thru Applied Kinesiology
. Along with Medical Intuitive Counseling.
Angel’s comprehensive approach to health includes fifteen years of success with thousands of people just like you. Consultations are compassionate, caring, focused on your needs, your uniqueness, and on your journey to optimum health.
Make an appointment for an inexpensive consultation that could change your life. Phone: 941-840-8208
Customized Nutrition-Health & Wellness consultations & Medical Intuition are offered via Email, Phone text, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp, &/Or doxy.me)
Looking forward to speaking to you,